February 23, 2025
"The Kingdom of Darkness vs
The Kingdom of Light"
Whenever a person leaves the kingdom of darkness and comes to The Kingdom of Light, it is akin to passing from death to life. In effect that is what has occurred, because such a person was dead in their sins but then came alive again as they were given life through the resurrection power of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. One of the problems today is that people do often love what they do in the darkness rather than being in the light, and all because of what they believe will remain hidden. But now anyone who knows anything about the truth, will realize that the truth cannot remain hidden forever. This is similar to the corruption that is being exposed in the government today. Much of it had remained hidden for years, but now, with this new administration, much of what was hidden in the dark has now begun to come to light. Now of course those who love operating in the dark just cannot stand being exposed, thus the constant bombarding from the opposition you see taking place today.
Therefore My darling children, prepare yourselves for the battle between the kingdom of darkness and The Kingdom of Light that is soon coming. Now know this; the kingdom of darkness only has a limited amount of power, and only according to what a person allows it to have. The Kingdom of Light on the other hand has unlimited power because it is supernatural power given to the believer through JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit. Now when I was talking about what is being unearthed in the government today, one needs to understand that it is being done on behalf of the many and not just the few, which some people are finding it difficult to appreciate, which is often the way it is when evil begin to be unearthed. Seek ye therefore The Kingdom of Light and live, or resign yourself to serving and bowing down to the kingdom of darkness. Now may you choose wisely, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.