Sunday, February 02, 2025

Not Everyone Is Looking Down

February 02, 2025

"Not Everyone Is Looking Down"

     Have you ever thought about the fact that when someone you or someone that others might love pass away, those who are left behind will almost always refer to the one who has passed away as looking down on them, as if they have all ended up in Heaven? Of course, no one wants to believe that a loved one has not gone to Heaven, but the reality of it is, that not everyone will make it here. Some believe that only the real mean, sadistic, and evil types will go to hell, but that is not necessarily true. There are going to be some forgiven, reformed, and repentant murderers, thieves, and anyone else who came to JESUS CHRIST before they took their last breath, who will end up being in Heaven. On the other hand, there will be some people who probably never hurt anyone, who may have never really spoken an unkind word to anyone, and/or who may have always tried to be as helpful as they could be to others, who will end up looking up and not down, which just might come as a shock to many people.
     Okay now, listen to Me, My children, the way I choose who goes to Heaven or hell is certainly different from the way that any of you would do it.  The only way to even have a chance to see Heaven is by way of The Lord Jesus Christ and through His shed blood. A person must repent of their sins, receive JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, and be born again before they can even think about seeing Heaven. The only exception I can see around that is if one has never heard about JESUS CHRIST, which they will be judged by a different criteria. JESUS has said that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and that no one comes to The Father except by Him. I know there are now and will be some very disappointed and sad individuals because of this message, but not everyone receives The Lord JESUS CHRIST when they have the chance. I know it is a harsh reality of life, which is why a person needs to make the decision to choose JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior when they have the chance, and blessed they will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.