February 03, 2025
"How Do You Feel About JESUS?
In these last days My children, people really need to learn about the great sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST made on behalf of mankind. JESUS CHRIST accomplished on behalf of mankind what no man or woman could have done on their own. Mankind was in a hopeless state and deserved to go to hell, but then JESUS CHRIST decided to sacrifice His life for those of you who were sinful and undeserving of grace, mercy, and let alone the eternal life that He offered. So many people tend to show so little respect for what JESUS CHRIST did for them, and they tend to behave as if He owed it to them. Except for during certain times of the year, most people do not even think about or give much thought to what JESUS CHRIST had to endure as far as the punishment and torture He did on behalf of mankind. He was beaten so badly that He was hard to recognize and was laughed at, punched, kicked, and ridiculed, yet He endured it all for the sake of mankind.
So now listen to Me, My children, learn to appreciate what The Lord JESUS has done for each of you. And do not forget that it is because of JESUS CHRIST that you have been grafted into the family of faith and salvation. Also, remember to be mindful of the fact like John 3:16 says, I so loved the world that I gave My Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. Those who do learn to appreciate what JESUS CHRIST has done for them, will begin to show more love and respect for Him. Is there anyone among you who would want to give up everything so that you could be scorned, criticized, scoffed at, belittled, mocked, rejected, and then be tortured, beaten, and crucified, and all of that for a people who would not love or appreciate what you have done for them? Now may you at least be one who will love JESUS with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.