February 01,2025
"GOD's Blessings"
Have you ever noticed that some people just tend to be blessed whether they acknowledge Me or not as The One Who has blessed them? Yes, even though all good things come from Me, the people who I am talking about will hardly ever, if ever, talk about the fact that it is I Who have blessed them. As a matter of fact, some will even talk about not having any help from anyone else along the way except for themselves. Some of these people will even claim that no one has cared anything about them at all, and maybe because many of them believe that they have always been on their own. Many such people will often think that they are the masters of their own life, and that I have had very little to nothing at all to do with their blessings. Many of these people are also the type of people who believe in luck, believing that luck is the reason for all of their good fortune, and oh how foolish this type of thinking truly is.
Therefore My children, be wise enough to realize that nothing good ever happens to or for anyone without My okay. Just because I allow the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and I send rain on the just and the unjust alike, do not discount the way that I manage to bless people. I do bless those who acknowledge My goodness and My blessings as well as those who do not, which it is definitely My right to do so. I will very often do such things because I know that they will eventually come to The Lord JESUS. I will also bless others so that they will not have any excuses when they stand before Us to be judged. I will also bless people because it is My nature and My good pleasure to bless and not curse, and blessed are those of you who have come to realize that fact. I truly do love blessing people, even those who others might believe do not deserve it. Now may you be one who does recognize that your blessings come from Me, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.