February 18, 2025
"Living Life As A Believer"
I know that life just does not always seem to be fair, but JESUS CHRIST nor I ever said that fairness was part of this game of life. JESUS even told His Disciples that in the world they would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer because He has overcome this world. He was telling them this because He knew that even though things might not go right for them in this world, they could be confident that everything would be alright because of what He has done and has accomplished. If they remained in Him, they would have nothing at all to fear. So very often in this life, people will have the idea that things should go better for them because of no other reason than their belief in The Lord JESUS CHRIST, but even satan believes that. Now how could anyone truthfully believe that to be true, after reading about what the Disciples had to face in their lives once they believed in JESUS? Once a person resigns themselves to the idea that perfection will not be found in this life on earth, the more they will be able to live free and victorious.
Therefore My children, remember to keep your eyes and your heart stayed on CHRIST JESUS as you learn to walk in His footsteps. How do you do that you might ask? By learning to lean on, listen to, and obey what JESUS CHRIST has said. One of the problems with a lot of people today is the fact that no one wants to listen to what The Lord JESUS is saying to people in My Word. Oh yeah, they love wearing the label of a Christian, but as far as actually living as one, they want no part of it. Too many believe that just because they say that they believe, life should be easier, but that is not necessarily true. Because you are no longer in satan's camp, so to speak, you have become his enemy. Know that you have the power of The Holy Spirit on your side to overcome him. Just realize and understand the Greatness of The One Who is in you, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.