Monday, February 17, 2025

It Is Not GOD's Fault

February 17, 2025

"It Is Not GOD's Fault"

     As most of you know, there are times when I am blamed for almost any and everything bad that occurs in a person's life, as if I am just sitting here manipulating everything that transpires in the person's life. Well contrary to popular opinion, that is just not the case at all. The more feasible and truest explanation is that most things are either a result of certain choices a person has made, the good or bad will of one person towards another, or even doing that which comes naturally, be it something good or bad. Some people tend to view Me as some type of King and they are the pawns that I just gleefully move around the chessboard of life, but oh how wrong they are. Some tend to see Me as some mean old ogre whose main goal in life is to make them as miserable as I can, and again, they would be wrong. Some just assume that I do not care either way, but really I do care, and anyone who truly knows Me will know that this is true.
     Therefore children of Mine, if you truly are a child of Mine, then how do you see Me? Do you see Me in a negative light or do you see Me in a positive light? Do you see Me as being a caring and loving GOD, or do you see Me as some mean old ogre who is just trying to make your life as miserable as possible? Do not forget John 3:16, For GOD so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but would have everlasting life. Now would a mean old GOD have done such a thing as that? No, My children, not every bad thing that occurs in your life is of My doing. Do not forget that there are other entities at work in this world as well. Sure, there might be certain things that I can prevent and there are times when I have done exactly that. Some things I must allow because I cannot interfere, but know this, We will always be there to help you through whatever it is. Just remember that JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and I are always with you, and blessed you will be for remembering, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.