Sunday, February 16, 2025

There Will Be A Reckoning

February 16, 2025

"There Will Be A Reckoning"

     In today's world, there are millions upon millions of people who absolutely do believe there is a GOD, but not nearly enough of them who have a relationship with Me. It is much like most believe that The Lord JESUS was real, but not enough of them believe that He either lives today or that He is The Only Way to Heaven or to Me. The main reason why I am saying these things today is because millions of people have shown very little to no respect for CHRIST JESUS or Me, and even less for The Holy Spirit. It is as in Isaiah 29:13, because these people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, while their hearts are far from Me, and their fear of Me is a commandment taught by men. Oh yes, they tend to have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof, and I grow weary of such fake worship. How can people such as these claim to love and respect Us, but yet could not care less about what The Lord JESUS and I have said?
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, if you are for real and if your hearts are in the right place, then learn what it means to love, respect, and obey The Lord JESUS and Myself. There are so many people running around play acting as being true Christians, that they are going to have to be put in their place, so to speak. When you realize that a little leaven can leaven the whole loaf, you will know why such disrespect cannot continue to take place. Soon, and very soon, if there is not a change in those who claim to be Christians, there will surely have to be a reckoning coming their way. I will not be mocked, and shame on anyone who thinks that they can. Be aware of the fact that as a child of Mine, you should be the salt and the lights of the world, and not just someone who falls into lockstep with the world. Now may each of you learn to live according to who you are in CHRIST JESUS, now and forevermore, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.