February 19, 2025
"Losing Self-Control"
Okay now My children, I am here today getting ready to upset many of you once again. Today I want to talk about how so many of you tend to lack self-control in your lives, especially when it comes to your sexual desires. The thing about this lack of self-control is that there is no specific age that anyone can point to as not really having any more sexual desires. Now it is true that some of you have handled such desires very well, but so many more of you have not done so. When people are young or old, they tend to lose their inhibitions and will oftentimes just hop in and out of bed indiscriminately with almost anyone available, and it does not matter whether they are attractive or not. This of course is not always a prerequisite as far as sexual attraction is concerned, but it does help. To not have power over one's own body is the ultimate loss of self-control, and as stated before, there is no particular age limit at which this occurs, because young and old alike tend to fall into this weakness.
Bless you today therefore if you are still reading and listening to what The Spirit is saying to you. People need to learn to make self-control more of a priority in their lives, or else they will be very easily deceived, and sex is the most common way of doing it. Just think how often you see in the movies, on television, or in books just how people are seemingly losing all self-control as if sexual desires are all that drives them. Many will even go as far as to pay extravagant sums of money for sexual companionship, and oh how sad that is. Also, as you know, people who are in a supposedly committed relationship will often veer off-course because of a lack of self-control, committing adultery, fornication, and such. It is truly a mighty power one has, to have self-control over their body and to be able to maintain it in any situation. The Lord JESUS never lost control over His body even though He too was tempted, and so can you be the same if you keep Him first, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.