Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Language You Use

January 26, 2025

"The Language You Use"

     Today's subject is one that has become so natural to so many people, that it has become as natural as being able to talk. For some of you, it almost never happens, for others of you, it is a once in a while slip up, and then for others of you, it is as common and as natural as can be. It is also something that you never read about The Lord JESUS ever doing, no matter how angry or upset He got. This thing about which I am speaking today is the use of vulgar, disgusting, profane, indecent, and obscene language you hear coming from so many people these days. Many people tend to use this type of language when trying to make some type of dramatic point, or so they say. Others will use it as a way of trying to emphasize something in specific as if the bad language is going to help put an emphasis on something. Some will use it to bring attention to something that is seen, heard, or smelled. Some few people will also use it if they hurt themselves in some way. For people such as these, they have become so desensitized to hearing these types of words being spoken, that it does not seem to bother them at all.
     Therefore My darling children, pray that The Holy Spirit will help you put a watch over the words that proceed from your mouth. Pray too that The Holy Spirit will place a conviction in your heart when or if you do ever utter any vulgar, disgusting, profane, indecent, and obscene words again in your life. Even though I realize the fact that none of you are JESUS, you should at least be trying not to use the language that He would not use. Could you imagine The Lord JESUS talking and using some of the language that many of you use? The same mouth you use to praise JESUS and Me is the same mouth that speaks some of those nasty filthy words I hear coming from it. Try to be or become intelligent enough to where you can get your point across without having to resort to such nasty language. Too many people in this world have become so comfortable speaking and hearing such language that it does not even shock their Spirits anymore. They have become so desensitized to it all that such language is just another way of communicating with people. Just think, it is so common in fact, that it is used in different forms of media as well as in some songs, and oh how sad that is. May you be one of the few who can rise above such language and use some self-control, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.