Monday, January 27, 2025

The Law vs Compassion

January 27, 2025

"The Law vs Compassion"

     No matter what My friends, you will always tend to have people who think that breaking the law is okay depending upon the reason a person has for doing so. Some would say that it is okay if someone breaks the law because they or a loved one are hungry or in need of clothing. Some will also say that breaking the law is fine if someone is homeless and needs shelter. You also have those who believe that is okay to break the law if a person is seeking a better life for themselves and/or for their family members, even though there are legitimate ways to attain the same results. In cases such as these, some people always want to point to the need for there to be compassion, which is indeed a good thing to remember, but also remember, that the law has still been broken. What good is a society that has no laws for by which to live? There would be anarchy and unrest in the streets, and a mentality of the strong running roughshod over the weak if there were no laws, which would not be very compassionate at all. Even I saw the need for laws for a society to be able to survive, which is why I gave the law to Moses for the Israelites.
     So therefore My children, learn to realize the fact that laws are not necessarily bad unless they tend to be unjust, oppressive, and/or unreasonable. In most cases, what is bad is the breaking of laws, and no amount of compassion can make that right. There is indeed a purpose and a need for laws, and those who break them do not deserve to be rewarded for them. People who desire compassion for the lawbreakers, often forget the fact that there are legal ways to do anything without having to resort to breaking the law. If a person's compassion for those who break the law is sincere, then they should do something to help them out legally without compounding the problem. Some will say that laws are made to be broken, but such is the mindset of a person who does not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST. He or she who seeks to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST will respect the law as long as it is not a law against Me or holiness or righteousness. The only people who hate laws are those who tend to be lawbreakers at heart. May you therefore be a respecter of the law, even though certain laws may seem to lack compassion, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.