Saturday, January 25, 2025

Always Choose JESUS

January 25, 2025

"Always Choose JESUS"

     Have you ever known people who seemed to be some of the sweetest, nicest, honest, most respectful, and loving people ever, yet they had no relationship at all with The Lord JESUS? And then there are those who did claim to be Christians, yet they were some of the meanest, nastiest, intolerant, and most unloving individuals around. Now of these two groups, which do you think would have the better chance of going to Heaven? Of course, one would naturally think that the ones in the first group would be the ones to go, but you would be wrong. Why? Because they did not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. Listen, My friends, the truth is, without knowing The Lord JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior, there will be no chance of Heaven ever being your Home. One of the few exceptions would be if you have never heard of JESUS CHRIST and did not have a chance to make a choice. And actually, there is no absolute guarantee that everyone in the second group will be saved either because not everyone who says Lord Lord is truly a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST.
     Be mindful of the fact therefore that The Lord JESUS CHRIST Himself said that He is The Way and that no one comes to Me except for through Him. Now sure, there are a whole lot of decent, kind, loyal, loving, and wonderful people who will not know Heaven as Home because they did not choose to receive The Lord JESUS as their Lord and Savior. And I certainly cannot be blamed if they chose to not receive JESUS CHRIST on their own. It would be like if everyone found themselves on a sinking ship for example, and The Lord JESUS was The Life Boat for everyone who wanted to live and get on His boat. But now you cannot help, or be blamed, for those who just absolutely refused to get on and refused to leave the sinking ship. As I said before, many who think that they have chosen CHRIST JESUS but yet produce no fruit that shows that they have, will also be left out in the cold, so to speak. JESUS will have to say to many of them, depart from Me for I never knew you, and that will be because of the way they lived their life. Now may you be one who does produce good fruit, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.