Friday, January 24, 2025

You Cannot Please Everyone

January 24, 2025

"You Cannot Please Everyone"

     The quote about how you can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people all of the time, is very appropriate in this day and age. I begin with this today simply because I am seeing, and have seen people trying to please everyone at certain times, depending upon who they are,  and depending upon who they are trying to impress or persuade. There are those who have some good things to share with others, but not everyone will want to receive it. Such is the way it was in JESUS' day as well. There were those who received what He was saying to and teaching them, but also those who did not receive what He was trying to say at all. Now both groups had the chance to hear the very same message, yet each came away with different ideas of what He had said. That is one way how truth can be misinterpreted or misrepresented, which tends to occur often in this world. Sometimes it is by accident and other times it is on purpose, but in either case, damage can still be done.
     So what is the take away My children? Do not work so hard trying to please everyone because you never will be able to do so. Some people will reject what you have to say or try to do, for no other reason than the fact that it is you who are doing it. There will always be someone who will not accept you or what you have to say, and you will just have to see it as being their right to be and to remain ignorant. Why would I say it like that you ask? Because it is an ignorant and foolish individual who will not even take the time to listen before they decide if what someone is saying or doing is even worth it. Always remember that even after hearing The Lord JESUS speak, and seeing the miraculous things He did, there were still those who wanted to see Him be crucified. Do not be shocked therefore if certain people want to reject anything that you might have to say and/or do, and view you in the same way they did The Lord JESUS. May what you have to say be accepted and received by at least some of the people, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.