September 16, 2024
"No More Hurt Feelings"
As so many of you know, people can be so petty about certain things in life, especially when it is something that they might feel very strongly about that no one else does. This is also usually the time when feelings are hurt as well, because as you know, some people tend to wear their feelings on their sleeves, so to speak. Some people do try to act as if certain things do not bother or affect them, but all the time they are being torn up up inside. There are too many people in this world who live their lives based upon what other people might think of them or say about them when more importantly, the thought should be what do I think of them. You see, instead of always being concerned about trying to please other men and women, the true goal should be how to please Me instead.
Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try not to be so sensitive as far as your feelings and/or emotions are concerned. So many people have allowed their hurt feelings to arouse all sorts of ugly and terrible emotions to be stirred up within them. In more cases than not, if you will keep your eyes on The Lord JESUS, you will be able to withstand and protect yourself from hurt feelings and emotions. When your concentration is on The Lord JESUS, the less it will be on what others might be thinking and/or saying about you. As a matter of fact, the easiest way to ease your hurt feelings or emotions is to think more about The Lord JESUS CHRIST and His goodness and less about your hurt feelings and emotions. It is also good to give those feelings and emotions to Him and allow The Holy Spirit to help comfort you. Remember, pleasing Me and not mankind is the real goal in life, and blessed you will be if you could just learn to do that one thing. There will always be the mean, nasty, and hurtful people in the world, but you are indeed capable of rising above it all, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.