Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Respect for the Law

September 17, 2024

"Respect for the Law"

     Some people are under the mistaken idea that people should just allow anyone to enter the Country if they want to be CHRIST-like and welcoming to others. Those who believe this way often forget the fact that even The Lord JESUS had a certain respect for the laws of man, even those pertaining to the government and its laws. The only laws that He disregarded were laws that were in conflict with GOD's spiritual laws. Now people who enter the Country illegally are akin to people who might enter your home without being invited. Such a person will just one day decide that they are going to come into your house and use your facilities, eat your food, and even sleep in your bed, and not care one iota what you have to say about it. It is also akin to a person who has no respect for the rules in and/or of your home or the legal residents who live there and then decides that what you have to say about it does not matter anyway.
     Therefore My children, do not allow anyone to make you feel guilty just because you do not happen to think that anyone should just be able to enter your Country or your home illegally and/or without an invitation. Laws were created and/or implemented for a reason, and blessed are you who have respect for those laws. It is shameful enough for those who are legal residents to disrespect and/or disregard the laws, let alone those who are not legal to disrespect and/or disregard the laws of the Country which they have invaded, which is what many are doing these days. There will always be those who will not seem to care about the Sovereignty of their Country's borders or Its laws, but some of these same people would not want people to just come into their homes disrespecting their rules and the hospitality of their personal homes. So as far as you are concerned, be respectful of the law of the land, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.