Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Love of CHRIST

September 15, 2024

"The Love of CHRIST"

     When a person allow themselves to become worldly minded instead of CHRIST-minded, it is so easy for them to become a hate-filled individual. Hate is an easy emotion for those who tend to judge others as if they were appointed to be someone's personal judge. They are so good at hating and judging someone on their race, color, religion, the way someone dresses, their body odor, and even down to their politics these days and other things as well. These types of people often seek out those who are like-minded as they are, which means that more than one person is painfully sick. Too many people are walking around this world hating others for no good reason at all, not really getting the chance to know those they are hating at all. Hate for them is such an easy emotion that a person will find themselves being able to produce it without much effort at all. Hate is also an emotion that will end up crippling a person in the long run, and oh how sad that is.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, if you have been known as being one who judges and is a hater of other people, let it be gone in JESUS' Name. If indeed you are one who has professed your love for The Lord JESUS CHRIST, you should then be able to love others as He did and to stop judging others based upon the petty things of the world. Do these following words sound familiar to you; "how can you say that you love GOD Whom you have not seen, yet hate your brother or sister who you see every day?" Loving others is not always so easy, which is why if the love of JESUS CHRIST is not in you, then loving others will not be possible for you. Many of you who have been stuck in the darkness and ugliness of hate for a while, might feel somewhat strange when JESUS CHRIST sets you free from that emotion of hate. Go ahead and feel free to rejoice over your new found freedom to love, and blessed you will be for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.