Saturday, July 20, 2024

Minding Your Own Business

July 20, 2024

"Minding Your Own Business"

     There are indeed times when some people will see Me move in the lives of other people while seeing Me do practically nothing in their own lives. It might even cause them to wonder if I even care about whatever they might be going through at the time. So very often in this world, it appears that those who others think should deserve the least, tend to be blessed more and more, while those who are supposedly trying to live right are often being ignored, according to them. I realize that it might seem to be that way at times, but none of you really know what I have in mind at any particular time. I do have My ways of dispensing mercy and grace to those who might require them, and a way of holding them back from those who do not need them, even when they think they might. If any of you would care to take notice, even when The Lord JESUS CHRIST was here on earth, He did not heal everyone with whom He came into contact, and neither did He provide them with everything they wanted.
     So now listen very carefully children of Mine, do not be so concerned about what other people get and do not get, or have or do not have. It would do many of you a world of good if you would learn to mind your own business and stay out of other peoples' business. This is especially true if people would just learn to let Me do with others as I please, instead of being so concerned about what I do for them and not for you. As I tried to say earlier, I have My reasons for doing what I do, and no one of you is in a position to give Me any advice. The best thing that any of you can do for yourselves is to have and keep the faith. It does not matter what any of you see or hear concerning anyone else, having faith is the most important thing of all. Many people often end up missing out on what I have in store for them at a certain time, because of nosing around in someone else's business. Now may you be one who will learn to mind your own business, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.