Sunday, July 21, 2024

GOD and Politics

July 21, 2024

"GOD and Politics"

     I have mentioned before how people do not believe that I care about the politics of mankind, but that is not entirely true. You see, I do, and have to care, simply because My people care and are involved in the political process, but it is just My desire to be able to see more good than bad in it all. What causes Me to dislike the politics of mankind so much is all of the lying, dishonesty, conniving, evil, unholiness, and wickedness involved in it. There are always those who believe that they can do and/or get away with anything because of their political stance. Now please do not get Me wrong, I do not want to paint everyone with a broad brush, so to speak, because of course, I am aware of some few who still have some honor, integrity, holiness, and righteousness left in them and who are not all bad. It is just that for the most part, more politicians are interested in winning, enriching themselves, and keeping their seats and/or positions than they are in trying to help the people who have elected them, and that is certainly no way to be.
     So when it comes to the political arena My beloved, I realize that I have children who are in every spectrum of the political genre. I guess that I would be known as an Independent because there are some decent people in each of the political parties. I realize that the last person who said something similar to this ended up in a lot of trouble, but only because some liars took what he had said out of context and misrepresented it. What I need for people to realize is, that there are no sinless and perfect people on either side of the political spectrum, it is just that some are not as bad as some others. But now, as you know, in My Book, sin is sin no matter what, and more people need to remember that fact. It is My desire to see more honest, righteous, honorable, and holy people enter the political arena, but they are far and few in between. The solution would be for more people who feared Me to run rather than those who feared man. So may you seek out to vote for the more honest, righteous, truthful, holiest, and GOD-loving, GOD-fearing individuals around, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.