Saturday, July 13, 2024

Make Good Choices

July 13, 2024

"Make Good Choices"

     It often seems that whenever someone comes along in this world and seeks to upset the status quo, so to speak, there will always be someone else who becomes upset over the matter. On this 13th day of July 2024, such people tried to assassinate who they perceived to be a threat to the so-called status quo of society. There are those who tend to get others all worked up using such things as lies, scare tactics, and innuendos. There are also those who will raise such tactics as becoming a false witness on behalf of evil. Anytime anyone has to lie to elevate one's self. such a person will end up being on a fast train to nowhere but hell. In today's world, violence tends to be the answer to many disagreements in society, as well as when people just do not like someone else. Hate and the evil that comes from it, is indeed one thing that will surely be eliminated in due time.
     Now when you think about Someone Else Who angered a lot of people because He desired to change the status quo, you have to think about The Lord JESUS CHRIST. It can be said that JESUS CHRIST was a Disrupter in His day, but any and everything that He did was meant for the good of mankind. JESUS CHRIST came to free mankind from the law of sin and death, and even this was not appreciated by many of the people. He came to set them free from the law which no one could be justified, but there was no appreciation for that fact either. It just turns out that some people just love bondage, no matter how much you try to set them free from it. That is the same as those who love to walk in darkness rather than in the light. It is not My will to see any man or woman perish and choose hell, but many there will be who do. May you be one who will choose life, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.