July 14, 2024
"Are You Ready?"
If there are any lessons to be learned from the events of the past couple of days, it is the fact that you never know when it will be your time to leave this Earth. I understand that this is nothing new, but seeing the different deaths that have occurred lately, it is a good time for one to think about it. Yes, My friends, one day you are here and are doing well, and the next day your whole life has been taken away from you without any warning whatsoever. As many of you have seen, it will often be that you can just be minding your own business, when all of a sudden tragedy strikes, and life as you knew it is no more. That is of course the main reason why you need to always be ready to meet your Maker as the saying goes. As the Apostle Paul once said in effect, one day you shall be absent from the body and present with The Lord, which is where the child of Mine wants to be. As many of you know and have seen, someone can be laughing and talking today, not even realizing that this might be their last day, hour, or minute on Earth.
Now I have mentioned these things My children in order to help you realize that you should always be and keep yourself ready because you never know when you will breathe your last breath. There are people who walk around daily never giving a thought to the fact that for whatever reason, it could very well be their last breath of life, and they will be ready to meet The Lord JESUS CHRIST. There are those who are living a life of perpetual sin, who also never stop to realize that any sin they are committing could be their last as they are in the middle of committing it. And sure, some of you might still be saved, but do you really want to take that chance? Let Me ask you this, My child, are you sure that you are ready to take your last breath and stand before the judgment seat of The Lord JESUS CHRIST? It is My desire to see that you are ready to come to meet Us at any time, because some of you are not yet ready, and I want to see you get ready before it is too late. Now may you be one who is ready from this day forth, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.