Monday, July 15, 2024

Vengeance Is The Lord's

July 15, 2024

"Vengeance Is The Lord's"

     It is indeed so very true My children, that vengeance or revenge is and will always be Mine. That is one reason why when people try to take out their own vengeance, they usually end up in all sorts of trouble. I know how to get revenge, and I know what would really hurt a person. Too often when some people try to get their own revenge or try to settle a score with someone, you really cannot imagine what might have caused them to get off track. Much too often, some people will allow their emotions to get the best of them, and end up getting themselves into trouble from which only I can rescue them. Oh sure, many of them have a legitimate reason to be upset at times, and even a good reason to want a little revenge, but again I say, vengeance is Mine thus says The Lord, and wise is the individual who remembers that fact.
     Now listen My children, it is not always an easy thing to let some transgressions go, but you need to realize that I see and saw the same thing that happened to you as you did. If it is something that really needs My attention, then you will have My attention for sure. People can often be too quick to become upset and lose their temper, which will often get them into even more trouble. The whole problem that I see with some people is the fact that they just do not trust Me to handle things for them. Most people want vengeance or revenge handled right away, so if I decide to take My time about it, they become impatient and seek to do things their own way. I know better than any of you the best way to handle vengeance or revenge against someone, so wise are you who will trust Me to do it for you. Now may you who need a little vengeance, leave everything up to Me, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.