Friday, July 12, 2024

When Fighting Illness

July 12, 2024

"When Fighting Illness"

     As hard as some people try, there are times when all you can do is to allow a sickness or illness to just run its course. I am saying this because I know that some of you are not and have not been feeling very well at all these days. It would be nice of course if no child of Mine would ever have to see any illness or disease, but that is not to be until you come Home to Me for good. Until then My dears, you are going to have to put up with illnesses and diseases every now and then because of this sinful fallen world. There are some people who never seem to get better and who seem to be forever ill, and My heart goes out to these people as well. Some people tend to seek out remedies of all sorts in order to get help, but there is not very much that can be done for most things, yet people still keep on trying. Believe it or not, My beloved, some illnesses that come upon people are all satan's doing, in order to try and deter them from coming to Me.
     Okay now, My children, other than trying to take medication that does not always work, you just have to let whatever it is run its course sometimes. Now there are also certain diseases and conditions where there is some help available, but even in these there are no guarantees. Even when people come to Me for healing, there are no guarantees, but there are times when I can and do help someone. As any of you who are Mine should know, The Lord JESUS and I are in the healing business, it just depends upon the particular person and the plans that I might have for them. Some people are being and have been blessed to be healed when there was nothing else that could be done for them, but JESUS CHRIST healed them and brought them back. JESUS CHRIST has given sight to the blind, caused the deaf to hear, and enabled the lame to walk, so then nothing is impossible with Us. Now may you who are ill get through your illness, and know that anything is still indeed possible, in and through JESUS CHRIST, The King of kings and Lord of lords.