Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Do Not Be Deceived

July 30, 2024

"Do Not Be Deceived"

     Some people have wondered how even the elect of GOD, as said in Mark 13:22 of My Word, will be able to be deceived in the latter days? Well, you can see the beginning of it today in the way a person's attitude is towards certain things that are seen. Just think about how people tend to make certain choices based on certain things such as a person's looks, education, speech, race, color, nationality, and/or creed. This has been the case ever since the advent of sin, and it has gone back and forth through the ages. Yes My children, instead of judging someone based on the truth of what is being said and/or done, they decide based on those qualities that I mentioned earlier. Even when The Lord JESUS was here in person, there were those who rejected Him because of where He was from, even though His works and His words proved that He was indeed The Son of GOD. Just because He was not who the ignorant people of His day expected, He was rejected enough to have been crucified by the masses. He also appeared to be a threat to the so-called religious leaders of His day as well, and mainly because of their jealousy of Him.
     One lesson to learn therefore from this My children, is to not be so quick to judge people based upon the petty thoughts of mankind. Learn how to put aside such petty things as looks or physical appearance, race, color, creed, nationality, or even the way someone might talk. Be wise enough to listen to what someone says and/or does and make your decision from that point. Do not allow yourself to be misled by the senseless things of life that often cause people to ignore those to Whom they should be paying very close attention. Remember that many of My people are to be led astray by some smooth talkers, and some people who are very good at stirring up hatred and causing confusion among the masses, and they will draw many people into their web of deception. It will not be so easy to differentiate between these people unless one learns to stay close to Us. Just do not be so quick to be a hater of others, because Galatians 5:22 makes clear that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such, there is no law, and blessed are you who remember that, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.