Saturday, April 13, 2024

What Is More Important to You?

April 13, 2024

"What Is More Important to You?

     Many people tend to be concerned and bothered about the wrong things in life, as they tend to be unconcerned about the most important thing. Now I will say this one thing, some of the things which does concern them might be somewhat important, but only in the sense of them being here and now and not as far as eternity is concerned. You will hear people complaining about their place of employment and/or the money they make, the people with whom they have to work, and/or the conditions under which they have to work. Some complain about their living situations or conditions, what they will wear from day to day, who they can impress with what they own and drive, or even the neighborhood in which they have chosen to live. Many concern themselves about their nutritional health, physical health, and where they are going to get their next meal. No matter how you look at it My friends, all of these things are just temporal, so you have to begin looking for more than these things.
     Now listen to Me, My children in CHRIST, bring all of these temporary cares and concerns to Me in JESUS' Name and lay them on the altar. It is your afterlife and where you are going to spend eternity that is the most important thing about which you should be concerned. Now listen, where are you in your relationship to and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST? Do you care as much about your relationship to and with The Lord JESUS at least as much as you do about everything else in your life? Now keeping it real, your relationship to and with JESUS CHRIST should be the first and foremost part of your life as far as I am concerned. Too many people spend way more time than necessary being concerned about everything that has no real eternal value at all. Many tend to worry themselves sick over things that are here today and gone tomorrow, and things that have nothing to do with their eternal soul. Therefore My beloved, put your relationship to and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST first and foremost in your life, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Blessed Name.