Sunday, April 14, 2024

Always Keep the Faith

April 14, 2024

"Always Keep the Faith"

     Hello My beloved children in CHRIST, blessed are all of you who have learned how to be thankful in any and all situations in your lives. I am well aware of the fact that many of you are dealing with some rather unpleasant situations in your life, but you are trusting Me in JESUS' Name to see you through it all. You who are indeed trusting Me, only have My Word on which to depend, and for you, that is more than enough as far as you are concerned. There might be some people around you, who might find it difficult to understand how you can be so calm in the face of everything you might be facing in your life? There are and will be times in your life when you will certainly be tested, and as the world likes to say, only the strong will survive. But unlike the world that is usually talking about physical strength to survive, your strength is in the faith that you have in JESUS CHRIST and Me as far as your survival is concerned.
     So as you go about your day today being thankful in all things and in every situation, just know that you are going to be tested from time to time, and not necessarily by Me. Why? Because satan and/or his minions want to try and cause you to doubt the fact that I will never leave nor forsake you as I, in My Word, have said. They will try to make you doubt the fact that JESUS and I even care about whatever it is you might be facing, but do not fall for their tactics. Eve found out in the garden just how cunning the devil can be, but you should have learned more than Eve knew about him by now. Whenever the devil tries to come against you with doubts, just remember to do what JESUS did when satan tried tempting Him, and that was to use The Word against him and/or his minions. Also, be mindful of the fact that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. Remain and stand strong in your faith child of Mine, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.