Friday, April 12, 2024

The Spirit of Discontent

 April 12, 2024

"The Spirit of Discontent"

     Some of the worst people that you could find yourselves being around, are those who seem to do little else but whine, gripe, and complain about every little thing under the sun. These are the type of people who are experts at ruining the good mood of everyone who might be around them. If everyone around them mood is up and feeling good, those other people will tend to put a damper on the whole situation. Those who are experts at whining, griping, and complaining, leave very little to no room for any joy, peace, love, and happiness in their lives. These are also the type of people for which contentment tends to be an elusive quality for them to attain as well. It is also sad when these types of people happen to be a loved one or even a friend, and their attitudes cause you not to want to be around them.
     Therefore My children, if you do happen to have some of these types of people in your life, pray for them as best you can in JESUS' Name. Pray that the spirit of discontentment and the spirit of unhappiness would release their hold on the person in The Name of JESUS CHRIST. Pray that they are filled with the peace that passes all understanding and that the joy of The Lord will find its way into their life. You do not have to allow such people to bring you down to their level of discontentment by letting them steal your peace, joy, and happiness. I realize there are many of you who have a desire to help those who tend to be on this perpetual train of discontentment, but you just find it difficult to get started. Just do not give up and always keep the faith, and a blessing you will turn out to be to them, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.