Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Present Day Sins

April 11, 2024

"The Present Day Sins"

     All anyone has to do as they consider the condition of the world and what is happening today, is to see that it is truly worse, even than it was when I destroyed it with the flood in Noah's day. And when you really stop to think about it, Sodom and Gomorrah were not even as bad as many of the Nations are today. Oh sure, one of the things that makes everything so prevalent is due to the fact that everything is more in the open these days, and more people are able to see and become involved in the sins of today than they were in earlier times. Sinfulness and the celebration thereof tend to be much more accepted on a larger scale than it was in times past, and the longer this present age is allowed to exist the worse sin tends to become. That which used to be kept behind closed doors is being openly celebrated, and done so without any sense of shame at all. Just as in the days of The Judges, people are doing any and everything that they think is right in their own eyes, but certainly not what is right in Mine.
     Now listen children of Mine in CHRIST, remember these words from My Holy Word; you should be Holy because I am Holy. I realize that in the world today, the influences to do that which is wrong are strong and many of you find it difficult to resist, but the power to resist resides within you through The Holy Spirit as a child of Mine. Now even though sin might be prevalent wherever you live, you are not a slave to sin any longer, because the blood of JESUS CHRIST has freed you from that sinful nature to which you were previously enslaved. Yes, My children, you are indeed in the world, but you, are certainly not of the world, and more of you need to get that through your heads. As 1 Peter 2:24 makes clear,  He personally carried your sins in His body on the cross so that you could be dead to sin and live for what is right in Him. By His wounds, you are healed, and never ever forget that fact. Blessed are you who resist that old sinful nature, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.