Wednesday, April 10, 2024

For the Unsaved Souls

April 10, 2024

"For the Unsaved Souls"

     I realize that it can be difficult for those who do not know and who have never trusted Me, to believe that I would care about doing anything good at all for them. In most cases, if they do not personally know Me, they really have no reason to have any faith in Me. Oh, I can say all day and night long how important it is for them to have faith and to trust JESUS CHRIST and Me, but if The Holy Spirit cannot convince them to receive the truth of The Gospel, they are doomed to remain in that state of perpetual ignorance. Now do not get Me wrong, I do understand the unrepentant heart and soul that could not believe that Almighty Jehovah GOD would be on their side and/or in their corner for no reason at all, but unbeknownst to them, I am. Lest anyone forget;  “For this is how I loved the world: I gave My One and Only Begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
     Now listen to Me you who have yet to come to know Me, until you decide otherwise, I will indeed be here waiting on you to receive My Son JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior. I know that many of you find it difficult to believe how much I care, but believe Me, I do care about each and every one of you. Listen, as The Lord JESUS made clear in Matthew 18:14 it is not My Father's will that any of these little ones should perish, and that includes some of you. Contrary to some people's opinion, I am not some great big judgmental Entity just looking down on humanity, just waiting for them to make a mistake that will send them all to hell. I did not create hell for mankind, people, they are the ones who make the choice to go there by their rejection of My Only Begotten Son JESUS CHRIST. There is a constant battle for the soul of mankind, and satan counts on the ignorance of men and women to keep them in his corner. Wake up people and hear the truth of what I have tried to say, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.