Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Put An End to Misery

April 09, 2024

"Put An End to Misery"

     Have you ever seen or noticed people who just seemed to have created their own special brand of misery no matter what? Well, My friends, there are many people today who find themselves creating that special brand of misery for no other reason than to seemingly make themselves miserable. Oh, they might come up with some explanation that seems reasonable and plausible to them, but seldom is it ever reasonable to anyone else who hears it. Those who love to make themselves miserable over certain situations will very often seek out someone to blame for their being made miserable, when in reality, it is just a natural part of life. In many cases in fact, no one was really at fault enough to have caused as much confusion as the miserable person pretends, it is all just a matter of one person's perspective.
     From this moment on My children, do your best to keep your attitude in check, in order to keep from creating your own special brand of misery. There are certain times in life when there are certain things you can do something about, and times when there is absolutely nothing you can do anything about. Instead of being miserable over something, stop and consider where the solution might be found. As the saying goes, GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. There is no sense in getting yourselves upset over something that you cannot control, just learn to turn those situations over to Me in JESUS' Name. There are too many people who are allowing their peace to elude them because of their preoccupation with misery. Now may you be one who can move beyond misery, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.