Saturday, March 02, 2024

Be Forever Mindful of the Day

March 02, 2024

"Be Forever Mindful of the Day"

     Precious are those of you who have learned how to live each day as though it might be your last day here on this earth. As I often say, no one but Me really knows when your last day on this earth will be, so wise are those of you who manage to keep yourselves ready. There are those such as I mentioned yesterday who tend to want to spend more time having fun and enjoying themselves, that having to prepare for eternity does not even enter the picture for them. I realize there are those who believe there is plenty of time to prepare, but that is what a lot of them on yesterday might have thought as well. And of course you must realize that many people did not wake up this morning either, at least not here on earth, so that cannot be taken for granted either.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn to both enjoy today as well as to live as if it very well could be your last day here on earth. Some might think that it is a little morbid to think that way, but one of these days will in fact be your last day here on earth. Believe Me, I do not want to take away your fun or sense of enjoyment in this life, but it would be nice if more of you could enjoy your Spiritual life as much as you do your secular lives. I do not want to interfere with any of your fun times or enjoyment, but remember, this place is only your temporary home and not really your permanent Home, so always be aware of that fact. Just be mindful of the fact to Whom you belong, because people very often tend to forget that fact when they think that they are having fun. Now may good things be to you who remember these things, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.