Monday, February 26, 2024

Who or What Have You In Bondage?

February 26, 2024

"Who or What Have You
In Bondage"

     Believe it or not My children, there are a great many people who love living in bondage in this world, and most of them do not even see it. The really funny thing is, of course, is that most of them do not see themselves as being in bondage, and that is truly a sad thing indeed. There are those who are enslaved by such things as sexual immorality, which most do, of course, love. There are those who are enslaved by such things as gambling but they do not see it as such and many would vehemently disagree with you for even suggesting such a thing. The next thing would be those who are addicted to alcohol, and these are people who are along the same lines as the gamblers in that they will defend their right to drink and even get stinking drunk especially when they do not believe that they are hurting no one but themselves. Some people are slaves to such things as being dishonest, cheating, lying, being evil, and such. Some people are even slaves to a personality that is evil and hurtful towards others with no remorse about it at all.
     Okay now My darling children, I would like for you to examine your life and see if you might be a slave to any of the things mentioned above. Know this; if there is anything or anyone more important than The Lord JESUS CHRIST, then My child, you have become a slave to whoever and whatever has a hold on you. If My children, there is something you feel that you cannot do without, then you are a slave to whatever or whoever it might be. I want you to know that you can break free of your slave master by bowing your heart and submitting to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. All you have to do is to begin to put JESUS CHRIST first in your life, over and above anyone or anything else. Blessed are you who learn to submit your life to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, realizing that He is indeed King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and there is no Name Greater than His. Bless all of you who leave slavery behind, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.