Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

February 27, 2024

"Blessed Are the Peacemakers"

     In a world such as exists these days, blessed is the man or woman who can keep their cool and who can maintain their composure in the midst of turmoil. I am not saying that anyone has to be a pacifist of course, but not every situation is a cause for violence, war, or destruction. Of course, there are times when words will just not work, and in such cases, more action than just words will need to be taken. There are those times of course when, try as you might, violence cannot be avoided. In reality, very few except for the most extreme individuals are ever willing to become violent and/or destructive. Now of course The Lord JESUS CHRIST always stood His ground whenever necessary, but He was also wise enough to realize when words were not going to do Him much good at all.
     Therefore My children, try to follow The Lord JESUS' example as much as possible. There are those who would see JESUS as being somewhat weak, but He was far from being weak. He met controversy head on so to speak, and He never backed down from the Pharisees and their traps. He met them with wisdom and intelligence, making them appear to be foolish at every turn. He never really had to raise His hand in anger except for the time when He was in the Temple and became angry because of the unrighteous acts that were taking place in the Temple. No, My friends, balled-up fists are not always the answer, especially if you use wisdom and intelligence to get your point across. Whenever possible, be a peacemaker, unless there is no other way to make your point. Now may you be one of the wise and not one of the violent, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name