Wednesday, February 28, 2024

JESUS, Our Lord and Savior

February 28, 2024

"JESUS, Our Lord and Savior"

     There are many prayers that sometimes go unanswered simply because some people are unwilling to surrender all that they are unto The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Lest anyone forgets, all things have been placed under the rule of JESUS CHRIST. Oh sure, the devil still does possess a certain amount of power for the time being, but he has been limited ever since The Lord JESUS came into the world. Also, remember that after His resurrection, He was raised with all power in His hands. As a matter of fact, according to John 13:3, JESUS knew that The Father had given all things into His hands. Surrendering to The Lord JESUS is indeed necessary when certain types of prayers are required to be answered. It is not necessarily in order to demonstrate JESUS CHRIST's absolute power, but rather to demonstrate to the devil just how limited his power truly is.
     So when you are praying and are asking for something, examine just how much of yourself have you committed to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Are you one of those halfway type of Christians, just hoping to make it into Heaven by the skin of your teeth so to speak, or are you all of the way in with JESUS CHRIST? Is JESUS CHRIST truly your Lord and Savior or are you just claiming Him as your Savior. The most powerful thing that one can possess in their walk with CHRIST JESUS is, the knowledge and the assurance of knowing that whatever you ask for in JESUS Name it shall be given. And it is done when you have submitted your will to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I know that most of you want to hold a little back for yourself, but is it really worth it? Now may good things be to you who become fully surrendered, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.