Sunday, February 25, 2024

Loving the Truth

February 25, 2024

"Loving the Truth"

     There are times in this world when the truth can be very hard to hear and even harder to see and understand. This is especially true when the truth hits home and when it hits hard, especially when you cannot avoid it. The truth will very often open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears, and open up a person's understanding when they have been unable to understand. There are those in this world who find it very easy to impart truth to others, and those who find it difficult to impart it to others for fear of rejection or fear of reprisal. Some in fact might find it difficult to tell others the truth for fear of being persecuted themselves. There is the saying in My Word that says the truth will make you free, and free you will be when you know and are aware of who you are in JESUS CHRIST. It is very easy for some people to ignore the truth, especially when they ignore the truth of Who CHRIST JESUS is.
     From this day forth My children, do not allow yourself to be one who is afraid of the truth, no matter who or what the truth might entail. There are those who will always tend to ignore the truth, but ignoring the truth does not make it any less true. There are too many people who live each day celebrating the lie so to speak, when all the while the truth is right there staring them in the face as it were. Oh yes, they can try to ignore it, but in the long run, it will not do them a lick of good. Blessed therefore are all of you who love truth and who are not fearful of the truth, for it is the truth that will make you free in more ways than one. I love truth, and as a matter of fact, The Lord JESUS did say that He was The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and blessed are you who have placed your faith in Him. Now may truth rule the day in your life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.