Saturday, February 24, 2024

Do Not Stop Believing

February 24, 2024

"Do Not Stop Believing"

     Remember when My Word said that The Lord JESUS said in Matthew 13: 57-58 “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Well, people, that same type of thing happens in people's lives today, for that very same reason. Such people often run around talking about how GOD does not do this or GOD does not do that today, when all of the time nothing is done for them because of their lack of faith. You will inevitably have those who will say that they had faith and nothing happened for them anyway, but then that depends upon whether or not they cared about My will or their own. Once again I take you back to My Word and those who had faith but never saw or received what they were believing for at the time. My Word says that Abraham believed GOD and it was accounted to him as righteousness, but I am sure that many of you would not be satisfied with that.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, do not give up on faith, nor believe in what We can and will do for any of you. If perchance things do not work out exactly as you expect, just know that you have indeed been heard and that My will will certainly be done in JESUS' Name. Some might ask, does My Word not say to ask anything in JESUS' Name and it will be done? Well yes, It does say that, but does It say when that will be? There are some things that happen right away and some things on which you will have to wait, it is just up to you to have faith. Some of you will appreciate the difference and some of you will not, and blessed are you who will. So be thankful My children if you have had ears to hear, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.