Friday, February 23, 2024

GOD Will Always Care

February 23, 2024

"GOD Will Always Care"

     As I have mentioned before, there is only so much you can depend on as far as the political system is concerned, simply because the system is run by human beings. Almost anytime you have human beings involved in something, you have to contend with unrighteous, unscrupulous, conniving, cheating, lying, dishonesty, and wickedness at its core. Now, of course, not every politician is that way, or else there would be no hope at all for any of you. Yes, My children, there are at least a few among those in the political realm who do try to do what is right by and for the people. The problem with that scenario is the fact there are not enough of them to make a real difference when needed, except for every now and then when there is a change for the better. I realize that it just does not happen that often, or at least not often enough, and that is really a shame. 
     Now I have said all of this just to say to you who are Mine to remember that I am concerned about each and every one of you who have come to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I want each of you to know that even when you cannot believe in and/or trust in mankind to do what is right, you can always depend on Us to do what is right and good on and/or in your behalf. Much too often in this world, I have seen people place their trust in mankind rather than in Us, only to be disappointed along the way because they have. I realize also there are those among you who think that I disappoint at times as well, but that is only because you cannot see the whole picture as We can. Know this as well, The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and I love and care more about each of you than you can imagine, and We always will. So place your trust and your hope in Us, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.