February 22, 2024
"Never Lose Your Faith"
There are and will be times when if you begin to look around you at the state of things and the world, it might seem very difficult to believe that I, (The GOD of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob) even exist. As a matter of fact, that is how many people arrive at the conclusion that there is no GOD at all, which of course they would be oh so wrong if they did. Much too often in a person's life, they inevitably judge everything by what is seen and heard, and rarely by faith alone. In fact, a lot of people think that those who operate on faith are foolish, especially when they are depending upon an unseen GOD such as Me. And please do not try to defend the fact that I do care and love people, let alone would even communicate with any of you to such people. As I said before, if all people did was to judge everything based upon what was seen, then I guess that even I would have trouble believing that I existed Myself.
Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, judge your life by what you personally know of Me and The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Yes My children, judge Us by what We have done in your life and not by what anyone else might have to say or think or think that they know. If I have ever done anything at all for you in your life, why would I change now? If you have believed Me for anything at all in your life before, then why stop believing in Me now? As you should already know, nothing is impossible for Me no matter what anyone has to say. You should also be mindful of the fact that as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you are not to walk by sight but by faith, and you need to keep that fact in mind. There are indeed so many uncertainties in this life, but I am not one of them, and do not forget it. Now may good things be to you who keep the faith, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.