Monday, February 05, 2024

When You Are Feeling Ill

February 05, 2024

"When You Are Feeling Ill"

     On this past Sunday, My messenger was feeling quite under the weather. Yes, this particular person could not hear The Spirit correctly and therefore could not think about anything correctly that he was doing. As you, who can hear Me know, there will be times when you might reach such a point yourself. What one ends up writing does not really coincide with what I have said or am saying. It is coming more from the person's own mind than it is from The Holy Spirit. Yes, there are indeed times when you can tell if someone does come disguised as Mr. Friendly, as he tries to convert all of the sheep. In Hebrews 13:5 The Lord says; I have promised to never leave you never nor forsake you. Know this, satan just loves to try and mess with and confuse a person in any way that he can.
     Now listen My children in CHRIST, do not allow yourselves to be deceived as many times some of you are. Yes, they're going to disrupt everything that goes along. There are those of you who have been ill lately and who are yet to be blessed with good health, and that is something that will eventually be on the horizon. Now look, some of you are not fully back to full strength, but I will be right there with you at your side. So please forgive Me My children, but that is the problem when I have been blessing My children to be writers. Now may you be blessed now and forevermore, in JESUS' Mighty and Precious Name.