Saturday, February 03, 2024

Desiring the Gift of Healing

February 03, 2024

"Desiring the Gift of Healing"

     As you visit or just know people who are in the hospital, it is not such an odd thing to wonder why so many hospitals are so often filled. And when there are those that are not filled, many of them are yet still busy. I know that many among you really wished that you were blessed with the gift of healing, but that is not always the best thing. There are some people who have been stricken enough to have to be hospitalized, and all because I am trying to get their attention, and being placed in the hospital is one good way to get their attention. Some are allowed to become sick in order for My glory to be seen and manifested in and through them, either through and/or by miraculous means, or even through the hands of a physician. Sometimes I allow hospitalization because there is something that is ailing an individual that can or will only be discovered through being hospitalized.
     Therefore, My darling children, you can go ahead and desire to possess the gift to heal, and maybe I will grant it to you in some measure. If I do that though, it still would not mean that you could just clear out a hospital of all the sick people in them. Some people tend to feel as if their faith is weak and if they are not instantly healed or if they are not healed at all, the problem is with them, but that is not necessarily true. Much of what The Lord JESUS and His Disciples did as far as healing while He was here on earth as far as healing people was concerned, was done in order for Him to be glorified and to show people that He was indeed My Only Begotten Son. As many of you know, there are those who leave the hospital, who should not have, because there was a miraculous recovery of one kind or another. So My dears, bless your heart that you are so moved to want to heal others. I will make the decision in My own way, and healed they will be, in and through JESUS CHRIST Most Precious and Mighty Name.