Friday, February 02, 2024

Do Not Worry About Anything

February 02, 2024

"Do Not Worry About Anything"

     There are different trials that many people have to face from time to time that tend to leave them both mentally and physically drained. And many times, because they feel that way, it is difficult for them to imagine ever being able to get beyond where they find themselves at that moment in time. When a person does find themselves in such a predicament, it if good to remember that they are not in it by themselves, which some people find difficult to overcome or accept. Oftentimes, people will tend to see things as being worse than they really are, except for a few exceptions. Otherwise, what many people do, is to run around like Chicken Little proclaiming that the sky is falling the sky is falling, when in reality, it just might be a minor setback that does not have to ruin a person's whole life. 
     So whatever trial you might be facing today, just remember the fact that you are not in it alone. It would do good to remember the fact that you are not alone in whatever it is that you are facing at the time. You need to also be mindful of the fact, that those things which are impossible with man, are indeed quite possible with Me. There is therefore no reason for any of you to ever feel hopeless, even when things seem to be the darkest. As I have mentioned at other times, life will not always be problem-free, but it would be better for Me to be on your side with your problems than to have to face them without  Me being there. Because I am with you, it does not mean that you will not have to face any problems, it just means that you will not have to face them alone, and that you will not have to face anything that I cannot handle. Blessed are you who keep that in mind, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.