Thursday, February 01, 2024

Just Live Your Life

February 01, 2024

"Just Live Your Life"

     All you need to do sometimes in this life in order to influence some people is to just love them and show them that you are genuinely interested and concerned about their well-being. Some people will think that they have to come up with some type of great strategy as far as trying to convince people to come to JESUS is concerned when that might not be the best thing at the time at all. As a matter of fact, quite a lot can be achieved just by being an example to others by the life that one lives. There are very often times when people just tend to complicate things by overthinking what they should be doing. Much too often in fact, people will try to do more to inject themselves into the equation rather than allowing The Holy Spirit to do what He does best, and that is to draw people to The Lord JESUS CHRIST.
     Therefore, children of Mine in CHRIST, just be mindful of the fact that you do not have to feel responsible for having to save people, because that My friend, is entirely up to Us. Learn to live as you should live and be the example that you should be to those who may be watching you, and that should be enough. Do not allow yourself to become caught up in confusion when it comes to being the person that you should be in JESUS' Name. Too many people will often try to do too much as far as what they think they should be doing, but they are often misled or misinformed in trying to do and be what they are exempted from being. Learn to let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in Heaven, and blessed you will surely be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.