Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Stop Asking Why Me

January 31, 2024

"Stop Asking Why Me"

     There might be times in this world when I have to do certain things to try and get your attention, and not all of it will be pleasantly done. As a matter of fact, in most cases, more is accomplished when things are made difficult than they are if things are done easily. There are times in fact when things can become so difficult that it will have people asking the question, why me? Whenever something unpleasant occurs in someone's life, why me is often one of the first questions asked? My answer to those who are able to hear Me is that I want to try and get your attention in the best way possible, or I just want to know if you are even listening to Me at all. There are those who love to busy themselves with so many other things in this life that the truly important things often get pushed aside, and that is what many of the trials in life are trying to prevent.
     Now listen to Me My children, the next time there is some trial or problem in your life, first, try to see if I am trying to get your attention before you go running and crying and asking the question, why me? Not everything that goes wrong in your life means that you are being deliberately picked on, it might just mean that I want you to wake up and pay attention. Learn to not be so quick to throw yourself a pity party as so many others love to do. There are many also who believe that nothing bad or unpleasant should ever enter their life, but that is just not reality at all. Reality is knowing that some days will indeed be better than some other days, but in either case, your Heavenly Father and your Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST will be with you, and blessed are you who realize that fact. Now may you who are Mine learn to remain attentive at all times, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.