Tuesday, February 06, 2024

The Power of Faith

February 06, 2024

"The Power of Faith"

     Please allow Me to say this one thing My children, as bad as some of you would want to know My every plan, there is just no way for you to do so. There are often doors and/or windows that I will open, and doors and/or windows that I will certainly close. That is one of the reasons My children, why your faith is so essential. Now of course you know there are some people who think that people of faith are somewhat lost, misguided, and sad souls, but they do not know Me as many of you do. Some of you even struggle from time to time with faith and belief, but it seems that when push comes to shove, you always come down on the side of faith. Many of you have left some things that were very personal to you as it pertains to your journey of faith, which only proves how serious you are in your walk of faith and not by sight. There is a darkness so to speak that surrounds a lot of people, and I am The One in JESUS' Name Who can take away that darkness from you.
     Okay now My darling children, know that I am indeed the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and blessed are you who believe in that GOD. There are many among you who have been and will be able to do some mighty things, and I want you to know today that it was I who will give you the power to do and to be what you thought was impossible to be and to do. Much of what I am talking about will be revealed very soon, and all I am asking you to do is to believe in the impossible. I would like for each of you who are Mine to realize that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. Know too that your adversary the devil will try to keep you off guard and make you weak in any way that he can, so always be aware. There is surely coming a day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord, to the glory of GOD The Father. Now may each of you stay ready, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.