Wednesday, February 07, 2024

GOD Knows Best

February 07, 2024

"GOD Knows Best"

     Some people tend to wonder from time to time just what can be up to in their lives sometimes. As most of you know, there are certain events that will certainly change as it pertains to the lives of certain people. There might be one or two things that are prevalent in a person's life one day, but then whatever it is can change 180 degrees the next day. When I see certain events taking place from time to time, I see that I have to step in and make some changes, and many times they are changes that no one might ever expect. There are times in life when a person might be expecting one thing to happen or to go as they might have planned for things to go, but then I will decide to do something completely different. Let Me say once again, that this is one of the main reasons why faith and trust in Me is needed every step of the way in a believer's life.
     As you make your plans, therefore, My children, do so with caution, because you know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men and how they often go astray. So very often, in fact, I see men and women planning to do this or that, when all the while I am aware that those plans will have to be changed. I am well aware of the fact that certain changes can be very disappointing, especially when other things just might be happening as well. I would love for things to work out according to the plans that an individual has made, but they might not be such a good thing if they did. As I have often said, I only want what is best for each of you who are Mine, even though you might not see the reason for them not working out at the time. But just think about it, would you rather trust My judgment or your own as far as your life is concerned? Now may you who choose My judgment trust Me all the way, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.