February 11, 2024
"What Does It Take?"
Wanting to see miracles before one will believe, is no different in these times than they were in any other time in history. As a matter of fact, it might be worse today simply because of what has been recorded in times past. Because My Word says that I, The Lord JESUS, or even the Disciples performed miracles in the past, it seems that there are those today who will not believe unless they see Me do some great miracle for them in their life. Rarely do they give Me the choice of deciding what My will is, because it comes down more to their way or the highway so to speak. Even though I might decide to do something differently, if it is not something that they are seeking for themselves or a loved one, then they do not want to hear about it. When you think about it, if I do one hundred good things for someone but then stop or fall short on the one hundred first thing, then all of the other times will mean nothing at all.
Stop therefore and think about the type of relationship that you and I have together. Do you love and respect Me and The Lord JESUS CHRIST just because of Who We are, or is it just because of what you believe that We can do for you? If you notice how it was in The Lord JESUS' day, you will notice that He drew crowds everywhere He went, especially when they wanted to be healed. Blessed especially were those who followed Him just to hear His teaching and to be obedient to what they heard. Because of human nature, it is often put to Us what have you done for me lately GOD? It does not matter that you were awakened this morning and most of you had roofs over your heads. Many of you had food to eat, shoes, and clothes to wear, many had jobs and even transportation to get you back and forth. Many of you were blessed with health as well as with a healthy family, and those of you who are absent of these things should know that you are not and have not been forgotten. Now may you learn to be thankful in all things, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.