Monday, February 12, 2024

Some of GOD's Truths and Facts

February 12, 2024

"Some of GOD's Truths
 and Facts"

     There are different sayings that certain people have when it comes to Me, that do very little to nothing as far as advancing the case of faith in people's lives. One of the most popular sayings people love to lay on others is, that GOD helps those who help themselves. Well, to a lot of people that might sound good, but then what about those who have no idea of how to help themselves? Are such people then left out in the cold or on their own to figure out things without any help at all from Me? In more cases than not, it is easier for Me to help those who have learned to stay back and allow Me to handle things. People also love to spout such wisdom as this, if GOD closes a door then look for a window. If I really wanted someone to look for a window, then would I not have asked them to look for an open window in the first place? If I closed a door, then more than likely it was the wrong door, and looking for a window did not have very much to do with anything. Another thing some people love to point out is how some things in life are gray instead of black and white, but how often did JESUS CHRIST see things that were gray in His life?
     These My children are just a few of the wonderful sayings I was concerned with today because they have tended to confuse some people as far as their faith is concerned. Not everyone is able to help themselves get out of the trouble in which they find themselves, nor do they know which way to turn, but I always do. Try to learn how to direct confused people toward Me as far as faith is concerned. And again, when it comes to closed doors and looking for open windows, that might be good advice if someone is looking for something small. But if I wanted to deal with windows, it would be more than one for sure as in opening the windows of Heaven to pour out a blessing that there would not be room enough to receive it. I also want you to remember about JESUS CHRIST and the grays of the world that mankind seems to love. One of the things mankind loves about grays is the fact they can avoid commitment either way. It is usually when they have trouble being completely honest about something or with someone that the grays appear. Those who can handle truth, are usually those who have very little trouble with black and white. It is not always easy for sure, but the closer one is to CHRIST JESUS the easier it becomes to stick to black and white. Now may you be one who can live by truth, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.