Tuesday, February 13, 2024

What Is Important to You?

February 13, 2024

"What Is Important to You?"

     There are times in the spiritual realm when there is more that is needed than just book knowledge as far as The Bible is concerned. As many of you know, there are many Biblical Scholars who are seemingly experts as far as the nuances of My Word are concerned, but it is only what I call book knowledge. They are able to specify facts as far as dates, periods, and other such things it is true, and in many cases, they are able to put others to shame as far as knowing the particulars of My Word. Many can tell you who did what to whom, and when and/or where it did occur. They are the type of people who can quote you Chapter and verse of a certain book of the Bible, and again, causing others to feel inept with whatever knowledge they have acquired thus far.
     Now pay careful attention, My children, it is not so much what you know, but rather Who you know and just how close you are to Him that matters. You see you can know all you want as far as book knowledge is concerned, but if you do not have a personal relationship with The Lord JESUS CHRIST, then you do not have much of anything going for you at all. Too often in this world, those who believe that they know more about something try to lord it over them and that is just not right at all. When it comes to JESUS CHRIST and one's relationship to and with Him, book knowledge and intimacy with Him are both important. Also, the closer you get and the more you know about CHRIST JESUS, the closer you will be and the more you will know about Me and The Holy Spirit. So go ahead and learn and be proud of your book knowledge, but do not substitute for your personal knowledge and relationship with JESUS CHRIST, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.