Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Importance of Truth

February 18, 2024

"The Importance of Truth"

     You will very often find in this world, people who are more interested in pleasing man rather than in pleasing The Lord JESUS CHRIST or Myself. There are in fact those who know the truth of something but are afraid to speak the truth because of their desire to please mankind. It is a sad thing indeed to think that a person will care more about what another person thinks about something rather than what The One Who can destroy both soul and body in hell thinks, according to Matthew 10:28. There are even a lot of Ministers in the Church who would rather be pleasers of man than they would be pleasers of JESUS CHRIST and Myself. These types of people rarely ever think about the consequences of the decision they make or have made, simply because they believe their relationships in the here and now to be more important than does their relationship to Us
     As you travel down life's highway therefore, learn to respect the truth over the lie, especially when you know the lie can be very harmful to others. Know too that it is important to respect your relationship to JESUS CHRIST and Myself rather than to what mankind might think. There are so many people who live day to day barely ever thinking about the lies they support in lieu of what is true, never giving a second thought to Us. There are those who live day to day as well as learning how to be all they can be in every way they can in and through CHRIST JESUS, which means more than you know to Us. Why? Because there are so many who could not care less, and that should not be the way it is at all. Truth, My children, is so much more important than any of you might believe or realize, and hopefully you will realize it one day. Now may truth be as important to you as it is to Us, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.