Saturday, February 17, 2024

Remembering to Whom You Belong

February 17, 2024

"Remembering to Whom You

     People need to learn that many of the things that I do for them are simply because of My love for them and not out of some sense of obligation. As a matter of fact, mankind needs to realize that I did not allow My Only Begotten Son to be sacrificed just to watch Him suffer and die, but so that mankind could be reconciled unto Me once again. Because of the great price, The Lord JESUS paid in order to redeem mankind, there is a bond between you and Me that cannot be easily broken. In fact, My children, the way the bond is ever really broken is by a person's rejection of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. What someone also needs to understand is that when a person has received The Lord JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, they are then no longer alone in this world. It seems that too many people either ignore this fact or that they are just so occupied with other things that they tend to forget all about Who is living within them.
     Now know this children of Mine in CHRIST, My love for you is based upon nothing more than how much you love My Only Begotten Son. I know there are many of you who do and have done some truly unsavory things, but yet I have still chosen to love you. My love is not like the love of mankind in as far as how it depends upon how good you are. No, My children, it is deeper than that because it is rooted and grounded in each of your relationships with The Lord JESUS CHRIST. A lot of you still do not realize or understand the amount of suffering that JESUS CHRIST endured in order to set each of you free from your sins and your sinful nature. That is why one should be thankful for what He has done on each of your behalf. Learn to think therefore about Whose you are because as a child of Mine, you are no longer your own selfish person. When you sin, you in effect also cause your Lord to sin which is something that you should never want to do. Now may you remember to Whom you belong as you live each day, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.