Friday, February 16, 2024

When Standing in Faith

February 16, 2024

"When Standing in Faith"

     One of the most difficult things anyone will ever face is when certain facts, news, reports, or anything else for that matter, tend to contradict what the believer might be believing Me for. There will always be something or someone trying to interfere with anything related to faith and trusting Me. Whenever faith is involved with anything that concerns Us, there will always be something that will try to introduce doubt into the picture. There is almost nothing quite as debilitating as doubt as far as faith is concerned, except maybe for fear. Much too often in the world of faith, fear will rear its ugly head, and cause even more doubt to somehow creep into the picture. When it comes to faith, and especially faith in Us, one has to believe what We have said, and when at all possible, believe whatever We have done for a person in the past.
     When you believe Me for something, therefore, you have to learn to ignore whatever evidence that presents itself towards what you are having faith in Me for. Some might ask what to do if what they are believing Me for does not come to fruition? My simple answer to that would be, that at least you stood in faith against all odds, and that My friend, is always a good thing. When you read about the heroes of faith in The Book of Hebrews in My Word, you will notice that some of them never saw come true for what they believed Me for, but their faith was accounted to them as righteousness, and that is one of the greatest praises the believer can attain. My advice to any of you who have believed Me for something is to not give up and keep the faith and blessed you will surely be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.