Monday, February 19, 2024

Keeping the Faith

February 19,2024

"Keeping the Faith"

     Since I am Omniscient, Omnipresent, as well as Omnipotent, there is nothing I do not know, where I can be, or anything I cannot do, I am indeed an Almighty GOD. Because I am keenly aware of everything, I am also aware of the fact there are many who do not even believe nor care that I exist, and I do not hold that against them. Everyone has the right to be wrong of course if they so desire, but it is a wrong that will very well end up with them being condemned to hell. And know this; it is because they are the ones who make the choice on their own by rejecting My Only Begotten Son The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Just like those who refuse to believe that I am still in the miracle business today, they will not see Me doing much of anything in their life because of a lack of faith on their part. 
     As you who are Mine live each day, remember the GOD that you serve. Remember that I am all-knowing, all-seeing, and present everywhere so that there is no way I do not know everything that any of you are doing or saying. There are those among you who are and have been believing Me for great things in your life, and it is My desire to not let any of you down. Just be mindful of the fact that I am indeed on your side no matter what you might see and/or hear. Even if things get scary at times, fear not, because I will be right there with you in The Name of JESUS. Those who are not believers in Me or The Lord JESUS CHRIST for Whom He truly is are those who are really missing the boat so to speak. Now of course I am willing to accept anyone at any time that they come to their senses and decide to believe. Now may each of you who are Mine in CHRIST, keep the faith through all things, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.